Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back in Denver

So now I'm back in Denver. The last few weeks of Habitat were the usual. We had a great time and got free Habitat t-shirts before we left. The sponsors also gave us each a special award. Mine was the Selective Hearing Impaired Award. They said that I hear what I want to hear. Yep...
So off we went. On the way back to Denver we drove through the panhandle of Texas near Amarillo. We stopped in Raton, New Mexico for the night. The next morning we got to Denver. It was Friday, so all the other teams weren't there yet.

So third round is here. This is the round were we have shuffle teams. My shuffle team leader is Matt, who is the fire management TL. I will be considered as Sun Three for now. We are doing Habitat in Denver. This Habitat is different from the one in OKC. I will work more in the resale stores and work once a week on a construction site. Our housing is pretty nice. We have two condos with three bedrooms and 1 1/2 bathrooms each. We may move in on Sunday. Monday is send-off day, but we will start work then.

That's all for now. Not much has been happening during this transition week, as usual. If you like to know more, comment!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Been A While...

Yes, yes. It has been a little over two months since I last updated. Time got away with me and they blocked at campus. The good thing is that I'm here now with a lot to tell.

So while at Cal-Wood, Sun One finally found out where they were heading next. We ended up getting Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to work with Habitat for Humanity. We then went back to Denver, had a two week Christmas break, and a transition week before leaving.

On the 8th of January, we started our roadtrip. On the way there, we visited the World's Largest Easel. We also were all wearing overalls. Yes, overalls. We got most of them the day before send-off. After that, we stopped in Selina, Kansas for the night. The next day, we got to Oklahoma City.

Our work week is Tuesday-Saturday. We work on Saturday, because that is when Habitat gets more volunteers. Our first day was a demolition. It was a bad day. We had to remove a TON of fiberglass from the house. To sum up the rest, I have done roofing, framing, installing drywall, painting, caulking, wrapping and random things involving houses. It is not hard work, but it is very fun. We work with many different people every day and have great sponsors/site supervisors. I've been having a great time here. I've even visited my mother, brother, and sister. I am also getting a lot of ISP done on Mondays every week. I will be done with all of them by the end of this round.

Now I will talk about the random little things.
Our sponsor invited us to a concert one night. The band, "No Justice", was amazing.
The apartments we live in are really awesome. We have two and they are fully furnished. One is a two bedroom, two bath and the other is a one bedroom, one bath. They also have breakfast Monday-Friday and dinner on Friday night.
We have had two and a half snow days already. Two were this Tuesday and Wednesday. We may have another one tomorrow.
Every other week, we have "dates". Cody will pair us up with a person we don't usually hang out with and we have to go out and get to know each other. They aren't that bad.

I don't have much else to talk about. I have more pictures up on Facebook, if you want to check them out. You can also comment if you want to know more. I will try to update when I can.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Has it really been more than two weeks since I last updated? I can't believe how much time has passed. I've now been gone for two months, but it doesn't feel like it's been that long. It's crazy how much time flies here. Especially when I'm having so much fun.

So I guess I can start where I left off. On Thanksgiving, we met the other team and had an awesome dinner. It was really great. The next few days we went to Boulder and shopped for all the sales. We also went to Estes Park to hike and shop. I didn't buy much, but I did get to see the place from The Shining. It was a great long weekend.
The week of November 29th-December 4th we finished the house and worked outside too. It was a cold week. On Saturday we also worked, so we had the Monday after off. On Friday, we cleaned Bluebird boxes. It was not pleasant. There were a few old eggs and dead baby birds. They had been there since spring. Saturday was all about Christmas. A ton of people came in and got to cut down their own tree. I was inside with the kids. We played games and decorated cookies. It was a great day. That Sunday and Monday, we went camping on Calwood property. It was very cold, but we made a fire and all sat around it. We had smores and hot dogs too.
The week of November 7th-10th was all about slash, sanding, and chopping wood. It wasn't that bad. It got colder later in the week. It's been pretty good though. I can't believe I have one week left. We will leave for Denver on Thursday. I'm going back home on Saturday for two weeks. I can't wait, but I know I'll miss the team.

Picture #1: We took an ugly sweater picture for a Christmas card.
Picture #2: PT(physical training) for one Wednesday. We had to carry logs up a hill on our shoulders ten times. Then we had to carry it down the hill in our arms. It was a long and steep hill.
Picture #3: I was cleaning the Bluebird nest. We had to wear gloves and masks as caution.
Picture #4: The picture of our camping experience in the tent.