Sunday, December 12, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

Has it really been more than two weeks since I last updated? I can't believe how much time has passed. I've now been gone for two months, but it doesn't feel like it's been that long. It's crazy how much time flies here. Especially when I'm having so much fun.

So I guess I can start where I left off. On Thanksgiving, we met the other team and had an awesome dinner. It was really great. The next few days we went to Boulder and shopped for all the sales. We also went to Estes Park to hike and shop. I didn't buy much, but I did get to see the place from The Shining. It was a great long weekend.
The week of November 29th-December 4th we finished the house and worked outside too. It was a cold week. On Saturday we also worked, so we had the Monday after off. On Friday, we cleaned Bluebird boxes. It was not pleasant. There were a few old eggs and dead baby birds. They had been there since spring. Saturday was all about Christmas. A ton of people came in and got to cut down their own tree. I was inside with the kids. We played games and decorated cookies. It was a great day. That Sunday and Monday, we went camping on Calwood property. It was very cold, but we made a fire and all sat around it. We had smores and hot dogs too.
The week of November 7th-10th was all about slash, sanding, and chopping wood. It wasn't that bad. It got colder later in the week. It's been pretty good though. I can't believe I have one week left. We will leave for Denver on Thursday. I'm going back home on Saturday for two weeks. I can't wait, but I know I'll miss the team.

Picture #1: We took an ugly sweater picture for a Christmas card.
Picture #2: PT(physical training) for one Wednesday. We had to carry logs up a hill on our shoulders ten times. Then we had to carry it down the hill in our arms. It was a long and steep hill.
Picture #3: I was cleaning the Bluebird nest. We had to wear gloves and masks as caution.
Picture #4: The picture of our camping experience in the tent.