Sunday, November 21, 2010

Community Mapping

Yesterday, we went to check out Boulder for "Community Mapping". We also just hung out down there. A couple of members and I went to see Harry Potter. It was awesome! I can't wait for the other one. We then went shopping, ate lunch, and found a geocache. Later, we went back to Calwood to cook dinner for teachers that were here for an Outdoor Learning class. I also washed my clothes and a couple of us watched Lion King.
Today, we did Community Mapping again. We also went to Goodwill and Savers. We were looking for ugly sweaters to wear for a Christmas card we are making. It will be an amazing card. I'll be sure to post it when we do it. Later, we are going to watch a movie.
First picture: The lodge
Second picture: A view from the trail

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