Monday, November 8, 2010

Spike Preparation and Other Fun Stuff

Yesterday I went to the Denver Zoo with an AmeriFriend. It was free for the weekend. I had a good time! I saw many animals and it was very busy. I'm sure there were children getting lost everywhere. They had a lot of baby animals too. I saw the baby tigers and giraffes. We also went downtown after the zoo since it wasn't far. We walked around and ate at Johnny Rockets. The burger was really good.
Today has been a rather long day. It was a good one though. It all started out with a fire alarm at 3:30am. It was not a drill. Apparently, the heater on the third floor had a problem and started to smoke. It was freezing out and we had to wait for an hour outside. After six firetrucks, an ambulance, and many cop cars declared the dorm safe, we could go back to bed. It happened again sometime in the afternoon because of the same problem. I don't think that heater will be turned on anymore.
Sun 1 had a briefing in the morning. The Unit Leader (Vaughn- the BEST Unit Leader) said in was really good for a first brief. I'm glad it's over with though.
That afternoon, we had some one on one time with Cody(TL). I liked it. We talked about the spike and I asked some questions about the portfolio.
After that, I went to Target and Hobby Lobby with some of the team. We needed acrylic paint for some long-sleeved shirts we found in the extra clothes room. We got enough for the whole team. It's for tomorrow. We have to present where we are going to all of NCCC. We put a letter on each shirt to spell out J-A-M-E-S-T-O-W-N-! I have M. I think it will be fun.
When I got back, I then went to Walmart with my AmeriFriend. We also ate at a really cheap Asian food place for dinner. It is $1.25 per scoop. The scoops are HUGE too. I still have a lot left.
The talent show also happened tonight. It started at 7:00pm and ended around 9:30pm. There were a ton of people that did it and all of them were really good. It was awesome! I didn't have my camera though.
I'm going to sleep now. It has been a very eventful day.

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