Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Crazy, Short Week

Monday, we all worked together. Cody went to Urgent Care for a sore throat. She was back before noon. We were working on building slash piles that would be burned in later winter. We may even get to see some at some point. After lunch, a couple members and I stayed in the lodge and cleaned it up and down. We washed the walls and ceilings, vacuumed the floors, and I even vacuumed the stuffed bears. It was a fun-filled day.
Tuesday, two more people went to Urgent Care. One went for a cornea scratch. Another went because her whole body is covered in bites. She started to get them since day one. She washed her sleeping bag, changed beds, even used the Calwood blankets and sheets, but she was still getting bit at night. For some reason, none of the others got bit once. The sponsor thought it may be bed bugs, but nothing was discovered in the cabins. A bed bug specialist even came to the cabins, but found nothing. We still don't know what it is. We are going to try to freeze out tonight because it is extremely cold. It is 6 degrees now. Hopefully they will be gone. Other than that, we skinned trees in the morning and some planted grass seeds in the afternoon.
Today, we went down to Jamestown to work inside on a house owned by Calwood. We are not allowed to work outside when it is below 25 degrees. We cleaned everything and painted. It took all day long and we are still not done. The house is for future Calwood workers or AmeriCorps NCCC members. It is 2500 sq. ft. and was $150,000. They only pay $600 a month on it.
Not much else has happened. We are sleeping in the Lodge tonight so we can freeze the cabin. Tomorrow, we are having Thanksgiving at Calwood with another team that is in Boulder. I'm excited!

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