Monday, November 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

I am now at Calwood and I love it! We had an orientation and not much after that. The guys have their own cabin. The girls are currently grouped in twos and roomed with 6 sixth grade girls. I am with Cody and we have a wild bunch. They will all be gone by Friday. Calwood has students stay in cabins for a couple of days while they have outdoor learning experiences. It is really awesome. I will be shadowing one of the leaders tomorrow. Dinner was good. It was enchilada casserole. I'm currently in the lounge with some of the group. I would post more, but I don't feel up for it right now. Feel free to ask any questions. I will get pictures tomorrow and post them. I will also post the mailing address tomorrow too.
PS- I don't get any cell service here. I will only get it when we go to Boulder on the weekends.

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