Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Working Hard or Hardly Working

I've been pretty busy lately. Yesterday I shadowed a worker with Ricardo (team member) in Calwood. His name is Demetrius. It was really fun. We went on a hike with the students and later had a scavenger hunt. While on the hike, it started to snow. It really snowed. I think it may have been 4 inches. The view was still amazing though. We are surrounded by mountains. We also learned about the Pine Beetle and Dwarf Mistletoe. They are harmful to the Ponderosa Pine Tree. Sun 1 later had team time. We played Pictionary. After that, Stephen (team member) and I went with a couple of the workers and had a snowball fight. It was rather awesome.
Today was more physical work. I went with four of my team members to stack chopped wood. It was easy, so we ended up wasting some time by having a snowball fight and messing around a frozen pond. After lunch, we went to load chopped wood on a truck. It was harder work. Many were covered in snow. My hoodie was wet and dirty by the time we finished. We loaded 5 truck fulls though. It was quite a lot. After work, Sun 1 had PT(physical training). We went for a hike and ended with stretching.
I am tired right now. I have posted new pictures on Facebook. There are some in my mobile photos too. Hopefully, I can update tomorrow!
PS- 1st picture: I'm very cold.
2nd picture: The cabins that we stay in.

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