Thursday, November 4, 2010

SUN 1!!!

So today was the day. The Sun Unit started off with CPR and First Aid training. We did CPR on dummies and even bandaged people as a learning activity. At the end, we took a little test. I passed and am now certified in CPR and First Aid. I have cards to prove it.
After that long session, we met up in a field where we were lined up. The TLs put us in "fake" groups and then blindfolded us. I was drag along everywhere. At one point, I had to skip to get to the next destination. Once we were all jumbled up, I was finally taken to a van. I got in and waited for the rest of the members and the TL. When all the members were there, we all talked to each other to find out who was who. Then someone got in the van, tuned some music on, and drove us to a park. That's where we were allowed to take off the blindfolds. I then saw that my TL is Cody! She was one of my first choices. I am now in Sun 1.
We went and sat down in the grass to discuss some things. We did a little ice breaker and learned of our spike. We are going to the Cal Wood Education Center in Jamestown, CO. It is snowy there. We will be working mostly on trail building-type projects. There is also a chance we may work in the center. I can't wait!! It's about an hour from campus and we will be staying in two cabins. I heard that we have the nicest living quarters. There is even a gourmet kitchen. There's no phone service, but there is internet. I'm super excited to finally start this stuff! Email me if you have questions or want more information!!!
PS- The link for Cal Wood is It may give you a better idea. I also posted pictures on facebook of my spike information.

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