Friday, November 19, 2010

Hakuna Matata

I decided to post about who is on my team so I won't have to explain who everyone is if I post about them. There are five girls, five guys, and the team leader. The girls are Elise(Arizona), Lauren(New York), Christina(Nevada), Aly(Massachusetts), and me. The guys are Stephen(California), Chris(New York), Joel(Connecticut), Ricardo(Maryland), and Sam(Michigan). Cody(TL) is from Pennsylvania. That is all.
Yesterday, I split wood with Lauren. I split while she threw the split wood into a huge pile. We switched after an hour. After lunch, I was with Elise and Lauren. We put up three 35ft fences and repaired another. It was hard work. We had to slam the metal poles into the ground with a hollow metal tube-type thing. After dinner, we sat around the downstairs lodge knitting and singing to classic Disney songs.
Today, Lauren and I worked on skinning teepee logs all day. It was hard work. They were about twenty feet long and there were seven of them. After that, we played tag as pt. It was awesome. We also had a homemade dinner which was spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Lauren cooked it. It was really good. Later, we are having a movie night. We will watch The Lion King. I can't wait.

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