Monday, November 15, 2010

Not Too Long Now

I'm very tired right now, but this weekend has been awesome! On Friday, all of the corps members had to wear the AmeriTux(black pants, white polo, steel toes) for a NCCC photo and then went to Induction. It was nice. There was a slideshow of the time we've spent here, a presentation from a fellow member, and much more. I can now be considered as an official AmeriCorps NCCC member. That was all for the day.
Saturday was send off. We said goodbye to all the teams that left. Some teams didn't have to leave early because they are so close or local. Sun 1 will leave Monday morning. After the send off, Sun 1 and a couple of others members went to the REI garage sale. It was AWESOME! We were in line for an hour and I didn't get a thing. We spent about 4 hours there. I relaxed at the dorms later in the day and washed clothes. The halls were so empty.
Today, we went to another REI garage sale. It was a lottery though. I drew a blue ticket, which meant I went in with the third group. You can only be in for 20 minutes. There was a lot of stuff to look through too. I found an awesome REI backpack that was used once. I bought it for $20. It was originally $90. I think it was a great buy. We spent a total of 6 hours there. Don't ask me how, but we did. I still had a great time too. After that, I ate some Asian food and packed. My stuff is now loaded in the cargo truck we are taking. I also hung out with a lot of friends and we watched Role Models. I will be a little sad to be leaving campus, but I can finally start Spike. I'm excited!
PS- I may have some pictures, but I'm really tired. I will post some tomorrow when I get a chance.

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