Saturday, November 6, 2010

Garden of the Gods

Today was a fun day. Sun 1 went to the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. There were HUGE rocks everywhere. We went hiking on all sorts of trails and even non-trails. I had a blast. We eventually ended up on the top of a hill/boulder. It was pretty high. The view was nice. We sat down and talked more so we could get to know each other. All together it was about a three hour hike. When we went back to the van, we saw rock climbers climbing up the huge rocks. It looked hard, but they made it.
We then went to downtown Colorado Springs. We ate lunch and explored some more. Some people went to different places. I went with a couple of girls and Cody to a vintage/retro resale shop. I liked it. I didn't buy anything though.
Tomorrow is a day off! I'm glad. I think I need to rest a bit.

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