Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Okay. So, today the Sun Unit went to Boulder. It's a really awesome town. The University of Colorado at Boulder was giving me some new ideas. We went to the shopping area on Pearl Street. I stopped at a couple of bookstores. I couldn't buy much because I don't get paid till November. I still had a good time though. After that, we went hiking up in the mountains. There were a couple of trails. I didn't go all the way up to the top. It was long and we only had an hour and thirty minutes to hike. From where I stopped, the view was amazing! You could even see Denver in the distance. I'm worried I may not want to leave Colorado.

And that was most of my day! I did laundry earlier. It took a while. Some of the other people waiting played Phase 10 with me to pass time. A couple of guys even brought an Xbox in and played that. It was interesting.

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