Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Uneventful Days

Yesterday was boring. All the Sun Unit did was learn about safety and tool safety. It wasn't much more than that.
Today, was a little more eventful. Just a little. The Sun Unit had media training in the morning. In the afternoon, we had an Intro to Projects and Service Learning lecture for FIVE hours. UGH. We switch teams after the lecture by playing a game.
Later I went with a group to Hobby Lobby. I was teaching origami in Art Club today, so I had to get a few things. Art Club started at 8:00pm. It went on till 11:00pm! I knew the earrings would take a while and only three people were able to finish them. Some people even joined in although they aren't in the Art Club. It was fun! Now I need to go to sleep. I've stayed up later than usual.

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