Sunday, October 31, 2010

An ISP Weekend

Yesterday I went with some NCCC members to the Boys and Girls Club. We took down a haunted house. I was the only Sun Unit member there. They fed us pizza for lunch and it was great! I got a total of 7 hours. I went to Wal-Mart later with a friend. The bus ride was $1.00 to the lightrail station! We then walked to the Wal-Mart, which took about 5-10 minutes.
Today was quite awesome. I slept in till 9am. I had to be ready by 12:30pm for an ISP at the Denver Police Department. They had a haunted house, a haunted bus, and a whole bunch of other things that gave children a chance to get candy. The reason the police did it was because it wasn't a safe part of town and they didn't want children knocking on random doors at night. They ended up giving 2 tons of candy away! All the volunteers had chili for lunch and/or dinner. It was really good. My job was to take pictures of the children with police officers. I even got a picture with one. It was fun. I got to see all kinds of costumes. At 7pm we helped pack up and left at 8pm. I got 8 hours today! I now have 24.5 hours. 55.5 more hours to go!

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