Friday, October 29, 2010

Like a G6.

Today the team went rock climbing!! It was indoors, but it was still awesome. We were there for about two hours. I did it and went all the way to the top! I couldn't do the harder ones. They were slanted and there were ledges. I had fun though! That's all we did today.
Later there was a Halloween Party. I didn't dress up, but it was fun. There were a lot of different costumes. One of my favorite events that happened were when The Greasers and The Barbershop Quartet had a dance off. The Quartet were members and The Greasers were team leaders(TLs). Another favorite was when two Sun Unit TLs stripped in the middle of the dance floor(not completely). They were wearing skin tight outfits. Brandon was green and Matt was yellow. I have an ISP tomorrow, so I left early. I'm off to bed!

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