Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On Track

I finally feel like we are starting to get on track with everything. Today, we all had to cram into the Little Auditorium for three hours. It was hot in there. The first speaker was a police officer. He told us everything we need to be aware of in Denver and what to avoid doing. The second speaker was a woman from Planned Parenthood. She talked about sex education and all that jazz. The last speaker was a woman from American Red Cross. She had done AmeriCorps NCCC in Denver too. She told us her stories and experiences she had on spikes. One of her roles while on spike in Louisiana was to talk to the important people(governor, mayor). After leaving AmeriCorps NCCC, she was offered a job with American Red Cross. Now she's in charge of the Mile High Center.

After that, we were sent to a parking lot with the team leaders and their vans. We were taught everything we need to know about the van. My team leader named hers Beatrice. We checked everything to make sure Beatrice was running good and dent free. We even changed the tire and put chains on the back tires for the icy-type weather we may encounter. It was awesome! I had fun getting my hands dirty for once. I felt like we were finally getting this show on the road. I'm ready to start building houses!

I had fun today. I'm glad we are getting things started. It was about time. I found out some people are being sent home tomorrow because they failed the drug test. -sigh- I just don't understand some people. I also went to the Art Club. It is great! I get to teach origami next week.

PS- The picture above is my schedule for the first two weeks. Feel free to comment if you'd like more information on what something is. Also, if you click the picture, it will enlarge.

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