Monday, October 18, 2010

On the Road Again

Today was a rather slow day. The Sun Unit switched teams. I'm still warming up to them. Everyone had to watch a driver's safety video as well as listen to a safety speech. It was very long. After that, the leaders took their new team to have some driving tests. The test was optional. I didn't take it. I don't even have a licence. About 5 people did it. We drove around Denver with each person taking about thirty minutes. We even went to the top of a mountain where Buffalo Bill's grave is. It was interesting. Not much else happened. I went to a book club meeting earlier. We decided to read "I, Lucifer" by Glen Duncan. It sounds like a good read. I need to buy it though. I'll have to make a trip to The Tattered Cover later this week.

PS- I put the link up if you'd like to see more pictures. It's called Americorps NCCC Pictures. Check them out.


  1. Ye-HA!!! Ride-um cowgirl!!!!
    Very proud of your journey- You have an opportunity not many have to make a difference-
    Will be following your experiences- especially when you go out on spikes- keep sending the pics!!!

  2. Been up to that same mountain top where Bufffalo Bill is buried. There where lots of buffalo around.
    Sounds like you are getting into the groove. This is a very special time for you. A time you will learn alot about mankind (good and bad) and a time you will learn a lot about yourself. You will be tested and you will need to test yourself. I trust you will succeed in every test you face. Please keep up with the blog, The pics are great and escapades are enlightning!
