Thursday, October 14, 2010

My oh my.

So it's the second day. I must say, it has been VERY long. I'll start with the yesterday first.

Yesterday was pretty good. There was a slight flight delay, but only by about thirty minutes. I arrived to the Denver airport around 1:30pm and arrived on campus around 3pm. I checked-in at the front office in Welsh Hall and received my key and room number. My roommate was not here at the time, so I unpacked and got my boxes that I had shipped earlier. After that, I went to dinner around 5pm. The cafeteria food is pretty good, but the team leaders said that food on spike is better.
At 8pm there was a unit meeting where we went over rules, regulations, etc. It was kind of long, but it was interesting. Everyone introduced themselves and we all talked of how we discovered AmeriCorps NCCC. I even saw some familiar faces from when we had talked on the Denver campus Facebook page. When it was over, we had a quick team meeting then we were done for the day.
I was tired and jet-lagged. I wanted to go to sleep right when I got back to the dorm, but I didn't get to. My roommate showed up sometime later. She's 24 and from Arizona. We talked for a little while she prepared her area. We went to bed shortly after. I slept like a rock.
Today has been long. I started out with breakfast and went to a meeting shortly after. It wasn't long. We broke up into teams and did everything we needed to do today. I got my uniform, turned in paperwork, listened to more presentations, and more. I can't believe it's only the second day. Sometime in between all that, I had my first ride in a team van. A few members and I went to Target to get some last minute items. When everything was finally done, there was free time. The older members went to a bar down the street. I'm not quite sure what I want to do, but I know I'm tired right now. It may be the altitude change. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

That is all I have right now. I will try to update as much as I can. Tomorrow we will take a tour of the campus and Denver, so I'll post some pictures soon.

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