Monday, October 25, 2010


This week is all about training. Today was more American Red Cross(ARC) training and also training from Save the Children(STC). It wasn't as boring as other lectures.
The Sun Unit started with ARC training. We were to participate in a simulation to get the idea of things. We were victims of a fire in an apartment building. ARC had a shelter set up for us to use(in Stage II). We registered first. After I registered, I went and registered another person so I could get a better understanding of things. It continued on until everyone did it. When I was done, I went into the "shelter" and set up cots. These are not your normal-type cots. They are extremely hard to put together. It was faster once I got the hang of it. I had fun though. We sat through a presentation and learned more of what to do at the shelter.
After that, we went upstairs and learned more of shelter work. We got to split up into teams and pretended we were responding to a disaster. There were many roles and I took on the role of Dormitory Management. I was in charge of setting up cots, bedding, making sure the clients knew the sleeping hours, and having them keep their items together. I liked the job.
After lunch, we went back to Stage II and met with a woman from Save the Children. STC worked with ARC and focused more on the children. They made big care packages for 20 children that could last up to 5 days. There were things for younger and older kids. We learned on what to do if there were children at the shelter. They have to find a good playroom and make sure it is safe enough, but fun. They may even remodel some rooms. The kids have to be potty-trained to play in the playroom. If they aren't, the parent can join them in the playroom. The same goes for the more serious special needs kids. There are many precautions for the children as well as the volunteers.
When the lecture was over, we did another simulation. We split into two groups and had to find a good area for a playroom. Once we found one, we had to set it up. Each team received a care package so we could decorate the area and put in certain stations(crafts, games, physical activities, reading). Everyone enjoyed it.
Today was a good day. It rained some time before lunch and then got really cold. It's freezing every time I go outside. I might need to start wearing gloves since winter is almost here.
PS- The picture is from my window. I put my hand on it and it fogged immediately.

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