Sunday, October 17, 2010

Exploring and More

So I thought it over and decided that I will update more while I'm in Denver. While on spike, I will try to update about once a week. It all depends on where I am. The picture to the left is the campus that I'm staying on. It is really nice. You can even see the bell tower from the Light Rail Station and a little ways off. It's mostly AmeriCorps NCCC members on campus, but every now and then you may see a few students.

Today was fun! I had the day off, so I went downtown with a couple of friends. We took a bus to the Light Rail Station and then a Light Rail to downtown. In total, I spent $4 for transportation. It would have been $2 if I had my student id. We also walked to the capitol, but it was closed. Luckily, there was an event going on right across the street. It was called Rock n' Roll Marathon. Rock music played on the radio and by bands while the marathon went on. It was pretty cool. We went to the gate and hi-fived the runners as they were about to finish. There were a lot of people there. We walked over to 16th Street Mall which can also be known as an outside mall. It's really awesome! We went to some souvenir shops and REI. We had to get back by 5pm to have our tb shot checked. I was all clear! I don't think anyone has it. I planned to do laundry today, but I'm so tired. I'm still adjusting to the altitude, I guess. I know I'm doing better than some others.
As for the days before this, not much happened. I did a drug test and got my tb shot. There was a team tour of downtown Denver. We had a meeting that was VERY long about everything in the member handbook. There isn't much else. Tomorrow is going to be more eventful.
So long for now! I'm going to put up a link to my AmeriCorps pictures if you would like to see more. Email me if you have any problems seeing them.

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