Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Butterfly Pavilion

I had today off. Instead of sleeping in and resting, I volunteered with a group at the Butterfly Pavilion for an ISP. ISP stands for Independent Service Projects. We have to have a total of 80 hours of ISP. It has to be volunteer work with a non-profit organization. I think I earned 10-12 today.
At the Butterfly Pavilion they were having a Bug-A-Boo event. The kids came dressed up and got a chance to get candy, play in a maze, and other fun stuff. There was a section for butterflies, spider/arachnids, and sea creatures. I saw mostly everything. Some of the cockroaches participated in a race.
We arrived at 8am and got to look around for an hour. We had a thirty minute orientation on what to do and then we started. My first job was to greet the guests and give the children a bag for treats. I did that till 1:30pm with a lunch sometime in between. After that, I went to the Spider Myths table. I gave candy to anyone who participated. While there, I held a Rosie Tarantula and a Hissing Cockroach. The Rosie Tarantula can live for around 30 years. I want one.

It closed around 5pm and we cleaned up. The whole exhibit was awesome. I would like to go again. The group took one last picture with the praying mantis in the front.

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