Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day of Meetings

Today was full of meetings and presentations. They were each about an hour or longer. The first was with all the units. It was about a project we are doing tomorrow. I will tell more of the project in tomorrows post. The next speaker talked to us about disaster awareness. I don't feel the need to mention more. After that, we all split up into our units. The Sun Unit went to Stage 2 were we met Vanessa Davis. She told us about the Education Award. I also got to ask her some questions about things I had some problems with online. We got it all figured out.
After lunch, we went to the East Dining Hall were we learned about getting college credits and some awards. I can get a total of 9 hours. The credits are for Service Learning and Diversity in Service. The last one, called American Humanics, requires a course online. If a non AmeriCorps NCCC member tried for this, they would have to have 300 hours of internship as well as a couple of very long portfolios. When I finish the course, I would receive a Certificate in Nonprofit Management. It is very helpful when applying anywhere that deals with nonprofit organizations.
The fourth meeting was about sexual harassment. Need I say more? The last was about the history behind AmeriCorps. When we were all done, we said the AmeriCorps NCCC pledge. And that's all!!! I went to dinner and will be going to Wal-Mart in a bit. I have to wake up super early tomorrow.

PS- The picture above is my upcoming schedule.

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